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Our Mission


The Mission of the Kentucky National Guard Bluegrass Youth ChalleNGe Program is to intervene and reclaim the lives of at-risk youth to produce program graduates with the values, skills, education and self-discipline necessary to excel as adults.

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Our Values


The Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy is the premiere residential alternative education provider; developing and producing academically and socially competitive young adults who believe they can achieve their dreams. 


If It Doesn't ChalleNGe You,  It Will Not Change You!

   Since 1999, Kentucky At-Risk Youth have graduated Kentucky National Guard Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy. Records show that over 80% of graduates continued their education or gained meaningful employment after 1 year. Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy (BCA) is a Kentucky Department of Education A-5 residential education program, located on Fort Knox, which offers 15 ½ - 18 year old students an opportunity to change their future (note: they must turn 16 before the graduation date of the cycle). BCA is for students who are failing to progress in the traditional school setting and looking for a way to succeed and complete their post-secondary education. BCA students will learn self-discipline, leadership, follow-ship and responsibility while working to obtain high school credits in hopes of returning to their traditional school or become graduates of Eminence Independent High School. We provide a second chance!

   Led by professionals who emphasize discipline and education, this unique two part program focuses on academic rigor while teaching life coping skills, job skills, responsible citizenship, leadership/follow-ship, health, hygiene, service to community, physical training, and resiliency. Encouraging young people from all walks of life to become productive and accomplished in their chosen fields. It's not a where they came from, it's about where they are going.  In total, BCA is a 17 month program which consist of two phases at no cost to the guardians.

   During the 22 week Residential Phase, students live on site at BCA. During this phase students attend Eminence Independent High School, receive individual and group counseling, while experiencing around the clock supervision. Following completion of the residential phase, graduates return to parent school and enter the 12 month Post-Residential Phase. During this phase, which is designated to provide continuous mentorship to help graduates continue in a positive direction. Graduates are assisted by Youth ChalleNGe case managers and community mentors to continue their education, enrollment in college, begin job training, and find employment.

   What Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy is Not!


Not a treatment facility! Not a place to try for a few weeks! Not for someone trying to avoid tough consequence for their bad decisions! Not a military recruiting program nor a Boot Camp!

  What Bluegrass ChalleNGe Academy Is!


Is and evidence based Second Change Program! Is for students who are failing to progress in traditional school settings! Is for struggling students who demonstrate a desire to change!

Qualifications for Admission:
- 15 ½ - 18 Years Old on Intake (Must turn 16 by graduation of the cycle)
- Failing to progress in Traditional High School

- Mentally and Physically capable of participating


No Cost to Student or Family

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